Friday, July 15, 2011

The Secret aka The Law of Attraction aka...

So, it was suggested to me about a year ago, after discussing the documentary "The Esoteric Agenda", to check out "The Secret" on Youtube. I never did, but instead bought the book. A lot of it seemed like common sense, pretty much. As I continued to turn the pages, I was intrigued.

The Secret

The book broke down common sense stuff to a science and put it in ways that made even more sense. Some of the excerpts about good things only happening to people that apply themselves and think positively made sense, but was NOT an all-inclusive fact. If that was the case, then there would not be the saying "Nice guys finish last". We all know that crooks, assholes, schemers and tyrants put the nail in the coffin on that saying and made it pretty much gospel. But, who is to say that crooks, assholes, schemers and tyrants aren't optimistic? They have goals in mind, possibly a beneficial goal (to them). They are just way more crass and even cruel in their methods, but I digress...

The Secret defy the verity of the old saying with expressing the power of being positive. They took something as simple as saying "be positive, have faith, work hard" and broke it down to Layman's terms, provided examples and methods, and pretty much put enough words together to make a book. Sounds simple, right? It is. However, don't sleep. Check out the book. It just might put it in ways that you would have not realized otherwise. We can always use a daily reminder to stay positive in the midst of turmoil and stay faithful and true to your convictions and desires. It certainly does not hurt to have someone give advice on HOW to BE positive, faithful and diligent in life. I really appreciated this book for its intentions.

I can bet you ten dollars that the pessimists, being the pessimists that they are, will see this book as stupid or complain about the simplicity of it. Well, to the miserable assholes that refuse to get the true message and intent of this book and refuse to find the beauty and appreciation for self-help resources, keep your misery to yourself. Energy is not destroyed, it is merely transferred,so keep your negativity and misery to yourselves and find something to be happy or positive about.

Open your minds, people, and accept goodness in your lives. Accept help, chances and ways to improve your career, your health, and possibly your lives. The more you become positive, faithful and optimistic, the more you will recognize the beauty and the good around you. You will attract goodness, happiness, success as well as good, happy and successful people. In turn, that will lead to opportunities that will bring you to success and other greatness in life!

In a nutshell, have the right attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude. The Secret is optimism, positivity, faith and diligence.

What books or movies do you watch/read to keep you squared away?

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power of, Oxytocin??

Fall in love, in love, love itself... it all starts with Oxytocin. Well, it starts with a hello, but I digress. Falling in love is one of the greatest, yet scariest feelings in the world. It is a feeling the females seem to feel more often and more strongly than males. Have you ever wondered why?

Well, the answer is Oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that is dubbed "the love hormone". It is mainly excreted in the bloodstream, brain, ovaries and testes. It is the hormone that is excreted during lactation before a mother breastfeeds her child. Unfortunately, men do not produce more Oxytocin than women. Men are also more capable of releasing Oxytocin in women during copulation, increasing her rush during orgasm. It is not that easy for women to release Oxytocin in a man. This is the scientifical explanation why women are more likely to "fall in love" than men.

It is excreted when two people kiss, or make love (if you're lucky, during orgasm). It is the chemistry chemical that bonds two people. Some may mistake it for infatuation or lust, but it is not. Dopamine and Endorphin is not the only hormones that occur during sex. Oxytocin induces trust and generosity and reduces fear by inhibiting the amygdala, which is also known as "the fight or flight gland". Ever wondered why Ecstasy makes people all feely-touchy? Ecstasy stimulates Oxytocin in the body during consumption. Interesting...

So, boys and girls it is a scientific fact that love, or falling in love, is not just an emotional occurrence. It is not just an opinion that women can not be sexually involved with a man over time and not fall for him, or at least grow to love him, unless she had ulterior motives for dating him in the first place. Love is real and not just an ideal, scientifically speaking.